Are you feeling like you have no control over your emotions?

Has life felt like one obstacle after the other? You fix one thing only for the next to suddenly present itself? It feels as if past experiences haven’t remained in the past no matter how hard you try to forget them. I get it. It can be hard to focus when we are constantly reminded of hard moments. Sometimes, we can’t do it all on our own and we beat ourselves up because we should be able to, right? Wrong! We have been trained that we should be able to figure things out on our own, that there’s weakness in needing help, that something is wrong with us if we’re not able to “just get over it.”

It takes strength to ask for help. You don’t have to do it on your own. There are people who care and want to help you. We all have struggled at points in our lives. It doesn’t matter if it’s depression, anxiety, relationship issues or any other struggle…there is help and there is hope.

The relationship between a therapist and client is special. Together, we will work through all of what might seem like chaos in your life, so that we can understand what is happening for you. Together, we determine a plan of action and we execute it to meet your goals. Here, at With Valor Therapy, you don’t have to fake it. You can be you. I promise to be me and provide you with the most authentic, honest, sometimes challenging but always heartfelt support.

I know its not easy to ask for help. BELIEVE me, once you do, you’re half way there. You’re on your way to increased confidence, improved self-esteem and the tools to move forward in your life with greater clarity and hope. Let’s begin your healing so that you feel in the drivers seat of your life. Let’s work together to help you reclaim your life so that you can make healthier choices, cope better and feel more in control of your emotions. Call me today at, 240-219-5602. Let’s begin!

Jasmine King, MSW, LCSW-C is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who has been in the helping profession 20+ years. After years of working with the military population where she helped service members and their families suffering with PTSD, depression and anxiety reintegrate after deployments, she chose to follow her heart and begin her own private therapy practice. Jasmine’s empathic style puts people at ease. Her calling is in helping people rediscover themselves. Contact Jasmine for a free consultation to begin your path of getting back to where you want to be.